This module has been developed over many years to cope with the complexities and nuances of train driver training. It can therefore cope with the planning of any type of training and resource, whether or not relating to train driver training.
The list of highlights outlined below can only scratch the surface of the system’s capabilities. It is an essential tool to ensure training is managed cost-effectively and efficiently
Develop bespoke training course templates ranging from short half-day courses through to much longer learning programmes of a year plus
Build specific requirements to plan your training programme
Define specific resource requirements and allocate required resources to course templates so they can be used again and again with no effort
Allocate individual or groups of delegates to courses in seconds, which then also appear in their own candidate course tab
View and manipulate planned courses in a colour-coded project timeline style over a chosen in a range of views and timescales
Maximise the use of available resources by viewing colour-defined visual markers that denote resource availability
Find out when you have insufficient resources in good time allowing an opportunity to find the resources required
Manage one-to-one resource allocations (for example trainee drivers to workplace mentors)
Mark any selected resource as unavailable to prevent an allocation being carried out in error
Produce a wide range of details management reports quickly and easily (in table, graph and chart formats) to highlight resource requirements
Use information as the basis of a business case when seeking additional resource to support an organisation’s plans