
Core Assessment

This is the heart of the online system. Used on its own, it will provide you with an excellent online ECMS that is intuitive and easy to use – a system that existing users tell us that they love and that makes their job far easier with relevant information at their fingertips.

Below are just a few of the features Assure users benefit from;

  • Manage the administration of the system such as users and their relevant permissions, entering standards and cycles and any relevant data required for an assessment process as well as data for any other module chosen
  • Add news/bulletins to your home page for users to see, such as new policies and guidance information. This, in turn, is available to view within the site and within the offline App
  • Manage a Candidate profile, the individuals core information is stored including their Location, medical expiry and review details, email and various other core information
  • Flexible search facility on all pages using only their name or by location, employee number, standard, assessment cycle, work and incident status etc.
  • Automatically analyses the criteria marked and enters the correct overall outcome with different grading available. Enter observational notes and comments for technical and non-technical aspects as well as feedback for the candidate. Comments can be made against each element
  • View/print completed assessment histories and  previous certificate of competences
  • Records assessment progress giving you a percentage marker on how far through the assessment has progressed, as well as the ability to run a report where required
  • Ability to add additional assessments on the fly where required, adding events to the normal cycle
  • Add a group assessment, removing the burden of assigning the same data to several candidates
  • View Competencies held and expiry date from their profile screen without going into a report, perfect for auditing purposes
  • Upload images and signatures
  • Ability to add in and report on the time an assessment has taken


Core Assesment

  • Log a candidate’s scope of competency such as train types and routes which can then show on a certificate of competence
  • Log certain tasks within the assessment which are reportable such as darkness/daylight driving, key areas of risk, etc.
  • Upload images, signatures and documents onto a candidate record
  • Produce and store certificates of competence
  • Review a wide variety of powerful reports, assessments due to enable planning, late assessments, medical expiry and reviews due and many others. Print or export facility on all reports
  • Upload and Review reference documents
  • If required each assessment can be signed for on your device, by the individual, on completion which will be date and time stamped (for a small extra fee)

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